On the Money: Quotes from Teen Financial All Stars (and Bucks Guard Jerryd Bayless)

As teens in our Money Coach program found out last month, they have a big-shot teammate in financial literacy with Milwaukee Bucks guard Jerryd Bayless. Now it’s our turn to support “money smart all-star” Bayless [...]

A Rainy Day Fund, No Matter the Weather: One Student’s Savings Creativity

You probably have a rainy day fund. But do you also have a snowy day fund, a sleet night fund and a foggy morning fund? If not, you may want to talk with 20-year old [...]

There’s No Place Like Milwaukee (A #GivingTuesday Story)

Too often, when you hear the words “youth” and “Milwaukee” in the same sentence, it’s followed by tales of dismay and disillusionment. It could be easy to let crime statistics or test scores overshadow the [...]

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