
Volunteer training overview

Volunteers are just a few steps away from getting into the classroom. We make training easy and provide constant support, starting with this overview.

How training works:

Step 1: Complete online training.
For Money Sense training, log-in to our volunteer portal (click at the top-right of this page or the button below). Online training is entirely video-based and will take a little over an hour to watch. It will provide you with:

  • Program logistics, including getting scheduled in the classroom and understanding the materials and how we communicate with you and the school you will be working with;
  • Curriculum overview, including delivery tips and how to prepare for delivering lessons, how to run engaging activities and how to make it interesting and get the students actively involved;
  • Instructor notes, including a walk-through on each lesson with direction on how to begin topic discussions, what key concepts to cover and where you can seamlessly fit in stories and examples.
  • Preparation checklist, to make sure you’re covered before stepping into the classroom. This tool outlines a common sense approach to getting ready and provides an index of resources if you are looking for ideas on how to deliver specific concepts.

Step 2: In-person and webinar training sessions
We hold several live trainings in the fall and winter months for our Money Sense, Money Path and Money Coach programs. The Money Sense training sessions reinforce the concepts from Online Training, provide additional ideas regarding effective delivery and how to run activities, give you a chance to brainstorm and practice preparing a lesson and provide you with answers to any additional questions you have. Money Path and Money Coach training is specialized for those unique programs.

Step 3: Ongoing resources and tools
Also in online training, you’ll find our volunteer resource library, which provides you with many tools that will help you learn how to facilitate the lessons in an interesting, engaging and fun manner. It is full of ideas, stories, tips and demonstrations. You can view short videos of experienced volunteers facilitating various lesson components and sharing best practice ideas. The resource library focuses heavily on providing tips for enhancing delivery skills. We encourage you to visit the resource library to access information and ideas for delivering your lessons effectively.

Our volunteers
change the lives
of local teens.

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Sign into
online training.

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