The next generation needs YOUR investment
Mentorship doesn’t just impact individual lives — it creates a network of support and empowerment. As SecureFutures celebrates 15 years of building that network, program alumni like Arlesia are rising up as the next generation of mentors to continue to meet the vital need for teen financial education.
Growing up on Milwaukee’s north side, Arlesia learned that “money doesn’t grow on trees,” but didn’t receive a lot of information about how to manage it. As a single parent, her mom’s time was focused on working to meet basic needs. There wasn’t much opportunity to talk in depth about money.
“I didn’t have that conversation with my mom growing up,” Arlesia said. “I didn’t know about credit cards, and I didn’t have a checking or a savings account, until I got into Money Coach.”
“This program helped me a lot, and that’s why I wanted to take the next step forward to help our youth understand theimportance of finance.”
After a few months in the SecureFutures Money Coach program, Arlesia went from lacking money management skills to deciding on a career in finance. She attributes that transformation to life-changing and empowering mentorship from her Money Coach mentor, Ranell Washington.
“SecureFutures is fulfilling a critical need,” Ranell said. “Our young people are going to be the next leaders and innovators, and they need the opportunity to learn financial skills so they can also share them when their time comes.”
“Mentorship meant taking
Arlesia’s passion and opening up a door for her. Now that’s going to be the same for those she’s working with.”
The two stayed connected after Money Coach, and Ranell offered Arlesia continued guidance as she established herself professionally in Milwaukee. The knowledge and mentorship Arlesia received changed the trajectory of her life, but she knows there are many other teens still waiting for someone to open the door. That’s why she decided to become a Money Coach mentor herself.
“Somebody took the time to invest in me. Being a part of SecureFutures has allowed me to do that for others,” Ranell said. “And Arlesia, who’s gone on to become a Money Coach, will continue to do that for more students, and it’ll be this cycle of bringing that forth year over year.”
There are so many teens still waiting for someone to invest in them. With your help, we can embark on the next 15 years, ensuring every teen has access to the financial education and mentorship they need to secure their future. Give today to invest in the teens who will become our next generation of mentors and create the thriving communities we know are possible.