Banking and budgeting lessons bring South Milwaukee H.S. alum back to school

Banking and budgeting lessons bring South Milwaukee H.S. alum back to school Two Rockets made a return flight back to their home base in South Milwaukee. Jody Robinson and Wendy Cieklinski are both Money Sense [...]

Chicago Money Sense Lessons: How a Ferris Wheel Ride Can Teach Wants Versus Needs

Chicago Money Sense Lessons: How a Ferris Wheel Ride Can Teach Wants Versus Needs Nick, a high school junior, was brave enough to share his Valentine’s Day date budget breakdown with his peers at Noble [...]

Beloit Banks on a New Financial Course

Beloit Banks on a New Financial Course When it comes to teaching teens financial skills, Beloit has a huge interest rate. Last year marked the start of our financial fundamentals program, Money Sense, in Beloit. [...]

Taking Stock of an Invaluable Student Experience

It may not surprise you that a teenager would pick Facebook as a valuable company. But what if the teen had made the choice based on their own SWOT analysis of Facebook and presentation on [...]

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