How is Money Coach helping teens during COVID-19?



Our commitment to our Money Coach teens and their financial futures is more important now than it’s ever been. Our dedicated program staff and many of our volunteer mentors have stayed connected with these students throughout the COVID-19 crisis, including through virtual sessions over Zoom.

It’s made a difference! When we surveyed the teens who are currently participating in Money Coach, 87% said they are applying what they’ve learned in Money Coach during the pandemic, and 83% said the support of Money Coach mentors and staff has been helpful to them during this time. Here are a few things we’ve heard from students:

“Unemployment is really high and did affect my family for some time, thank you Money Coach for the payments that contributed for my family to buy groceries and pay bills.”

“I have learned of the importance of making wise use of my money by avoiding unnecessary expenses during this pandemic in order to save for emergency needs. Also, general tips have proven helpful in equipping me to feel more in-control of my money and make wiser, more accountable financial decisions.”

“I’ve learned to be really cautious of my spending, because though money can be earned, it can be easily spent and lead to consequences. So overall, I’ve been more aware of my spending and saving for things I need in the future.”

“I’ve learned the importance of saving and spending wisely. Earning money through this program is extremely helpful as I can’t get into a new job until this pandemic calms down a bit.”

“I have learned that you should always save up even when things are looking good, because you never know when something unexpected will come, and you’ll need it (for example this pandemic).”

“When we were in school I was put on board with online banking and mobile banking which I’m glad I had a head start in as it’s coming in quite handy during this time. In addition to that I would say that the info for free internet and support is very much appreciated as well.”

“What I learned with Money Coach at the beginning was about how and why to save money. Now I understand that there is more to just saving for a car, emergency money is a must for everyone.”

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