Last spring, Dejah’s family was in jeopardy. Her mom’s car broke down, and she didn’t have money to fix it. Money needed for rent, utilities and food was spent on taxis and Uber to get to work. Utilities were disconnected, and eviction was threatened.

But SecureFutures was helping Dejah learn how to budget and save. By saving her earnings from Money Coach, a job, and an internship, she used it to pay the rent and utilities…and even replace food that had gone bad in the refrigerator.

With the crisis behind them, Dejah focused on sharing what she learned about budgeting and saving to help ensure her mom was better prepared to build an emergency savings account.

“The lessons I learned from Money Coach will always be a part of my life. I won’t ever have to worry about the lights being turned off again. I now know how to use my money to achieve my future goals. I want to be a neonatal nurse practitioner, and that’s going to take a lot of money.”

You can make Dejah’s story possible for others. SecureFutures arms teens with financial skills and tools that will last a lifetime. Please consider a gift of financial capability for the next generation.

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