2023-2024 Supporters
Champion Level ($2,500+)
Jennifer Abele |
Anonymous United Way of Milwaukee |
Jon and Elizabeth Baranko |
Laura Barry Annmarie and Eric Baumgartner |
Jordan Bergmann |
Rick and Norah Brostowitz |
Gregory and Rebecca Calvin Brenda and Todd Campbell |
Timothy and Kathleen Carr |
The Bill and Meagan Wigchers Charitable Fund |
Darr Charitable Fund |
Sandra and Thomas Dunst |
Lyle and Lisa Fitterer |
David Frieder |
Jonathan Good |
Gordon Family Fund |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Marsha Ernst Krueger Charitable Fund |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s ELM II Fund |
Hepburn Bootstrap Foundation |
Gregory and Jeanne Herrle |
Herrle Family Charitable Fund |
Ted and Mary Kellner |
Spencer Kellogg |
The Kempf Family Charitable Fund |
Michael Keough |
Dr. Adel Korkor |
Pieter Lens |
The Levy/Saffro Charitable Fund |
Luedke-Smith Fund |
Kevin Lyons |
Steven Lyons |
Mainman Charitable Fund |
Maximilian Mann |
Timothy and Catherine Mattke |
Duane and Constance McAllister |
William and Marian Nasgovitz |
Neubauer Family Fund |
Casey Sambs |
Katy & Joe Schlidt |
Fred Tabak Donor Advised Fund |
The Ursula Fund |
Anne Tidmore |
The Ursula Fund |
Tranchita Family Charitable Fund |
Sara Walker and Pat Dhein |
The Wolf Family Charitable Fund |
Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Fund |
Advocate Level ($499 – $2,499)
Robert Allbright |
Brian Andrew |
John and Peggy Beckwith |
Bellman Family Charitable Fund |
David and Diane Berg Family Charitable Trust |
Jeffrey Billings |
Andrew and Jennifer Bird |
Melvin Blann |
Jonathan Bloom |
Sequoya Borgman |
Jim and Lisa Borris |
Mark & Lori Boutelle Family Fund |
Sara Boyle |
John W. Brahm and Margaret MacLeod Brahm Charitable Fund |
Theodore Brettingen |
The Brighten Fund |
Peter Buening |
Robert and Christine Bukowski |
Jeremy Cain |
Marina and Kent Carlson |
Nathan Colson |
Lydia Cooley and Andy Lechtenberg |
Aaron Cross |
Dusko Culafic |
Albert & Ann Deshur Donor Advised Fund |
John Dickens |
DiMeo Family Charitable Fund |
Michael Doyle |
Ellen Drought |
Jim Fleming |
Fond du La Area Foundation’s Anderson Sisters Fund |
Jim and Judy Ford |
Michael Franks and Julie Wojcik |
Murray and Pat Friedman |
Jason & Diep Graham Charitable Fund |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Colton Charitable Fund |
Jeff Hakala |
Dr. Xiaoting Hao |
Leslie Hauser and Karl Wuesthoff Donor Advised Fund |
Michael and Kathleen Hodan |
Ellen Hopper |
Susan Hotz |
Greg Janssen |
Moses Kagan |
Brian Kilb |
Kismet Fund |
Lucas Kraft |
Irina Kwiatkowska |
Michael LaMontagna |
Lloyd and Sheri Levin |
Vicki and Keith Lipinski |
Jody Lowe |
Susan Lubar |
Terrance Maxwell |
John McDonald |
Mike McDonough |
Michael and Linda Mesirow |
Andrea Michel |
John Mroz |
William Nasgovitz |
Jim Neubauer |
Rebecca Neumann |
Eric Nohelty |
Randy North |
Joshua and Kimberly Palleon |
Rachel and Scott Panasuk |
Dr. Bernard and Mary Rhomberg |
Janet Rilling |
Nate Robertstad |
Manuel Rosado |
Jeanette Schlidt |
The Howard & Barbara Schnoll Donor Advised Fund |
David Schroeder |
Mark Schueller |
Paul Schultz |
Richard Scudellari |
Daniel Sievers |
Chris Smith |
Phil Smith |
Jonathan Smucker |
Christine Smyth |
Nathan and Kate Stading |
Mary Ellen and Scott Stanek |
Barbara Stein |
Joyce Stoner |
Joan and Mike Sturm Charitable Fund |
John and Megan Susko Charitable Fund |
Pete and Victoria Syslack |
The LaGrant Family Charitable Fund |
Michael Thelen |
Nick and Judith Topitzes |
VandenHeuvel Family Charitable Fund |
Ker Vang |
Marcos Vega |
John and Elizabeth Watry Giving Fund |
Lindsay Whaleysmith |
Supporter Level ($1 – $499)
Robert Allen |
Mahmood Abdellatif |
Ashley Adam |
Michelle Adams-Zeise |
Kelly Ahles |
Donald Aldrich |
Derrick Angradi |
Shreeya Aryal |
Rabbi Barry Axler |
Betty Jo and Andy Azpell |
Andrew Azpell |
Lisa Baker |
Rebecca Banks |
Frank Barrie |
Pamela L. Bartoli |
Graham Baxter |
Steve Beiser |
Anonymous Benevity Donor |
Samuel Beres |
Casey Berrall |
Nicole Best |
Marlene and Bert Bilsky Family Donor Advised Fund |
David Binder |
Michael Bogard |
Dr. Charles Bohl |
Kermit Bohning |
Laura Borth |
Michael Bradburn |
Jessica Braeger |
Erick Bratt |
Joseph Bree |
Garrett Brigman |
John Buckel |
John Buran |
Marvin Bynum |
Isabella Cafaro Jarosz |
Christopher Cahlamer |
Taquan Campbell |
Alyx Campbell |
Shawn Cannon |
Sharon and Richard Canter |
Terese Capizzi |
Christopher Carlson |
John and Judy Carlton |
Andrea Cataldo |
Stephen and Jane Chernof |
Stephan Chevalier |
Jess Choi |
Fatoumata Cisse |
Aissata Cisse |
John Clancy |
Nathan Clayberg |
Peter and Kristine Coffey |
Isabelle Cook |
Keith Coursin |
Lori Craig |
Mark Czarnecki |
Greg Dahlman |
Davidson Family Charitable Fund |
Eric Demmon |
Evann Derus |
Joe Dewitt |
Kim Dooyema |
Brenda Dreier |
Ted and Beth Durant |
Michael Dwyer |
Micah Dykema |
Linda Edmondson |
John Emory Jr. |
Emily Enslow |
Alejandro Esquivel |
Charles Evans |
Steven Everett |
Anonymous Facebook Donors |
Patricia Falb |
Megan Felhofer |
Brad Feltz |
Julie Flaa |
Daniel Flaherty |
Brian Flanagan |
Amber Flanagan Kinlow |
Laurel Foshag |
Timothy Fotsch |
Angela Franzone and Scott Ludwig |
Leslie Friebert |
George and Leonor Friedman |
Michael Friedman |
Ellen Galezewski |
Michael Gandrud |
Michael Gauger |
Erik Gauger |
Carol Gehl |
Alyssa Geisler |
Brett George |
Melissa Gleason |
Dr. Robert Gleeson |
Bret Goodman |
Mary Gosewehr |
Gillian and Michael Gosman Charitable Fund |
Andrew Goyer |
John Grant |
Trinette Green |
Katie Gresham |
Paul Griepentrog |
Nicole Gronholz |
Gary Haertlein |
Dr. Eve Hall |
Jennifer Halser Gregor |
Mark Hancock |
Jeff Haneline |
Susan Hannert |
Benjamin Hartford |
Nolan Heck |
Kathy Henrich |
Jon Henshue |
Amy Heppe |
Jesus Hernandez |
Jason Herried |
Anida Ho |
Emma Hofman |
Jeffery Holmes |
Otis Hosley |
Angelica Hutchins |
Brenda Hutchinson |
Kristen Irgens |
Emma Janicki |
Alec Johnson |
Lawrence Jolón |
Scott and Elizabeth Jonas |
Elizabeth Jozwiak |
Amy Junker |
Richard Kahn Donor Advised Fund |
Joseph Keller |
Justin Kern |
Graham Kessel |
Mark King |
Joan Klimpel |
Francesca Knauer |
Michael J. Koerner |
Samantha Kolbe |
Dennis & Christine Korjenek Giving Fund |
Charles Kostichka |
Nick Kummer |
Libby and Tim Lailer |
Stephen Langlois |
Dante LaPorte |
F.J. Lauck, Jr. and Betty Lauck |
Joseph Lawrence |
Mark Lawton |
Michael Ledzian |
May Lee |
Sean Leedom |
Kristi Leswing |
Scott Leutenegger |
Michael Levey & Linda Gorens-Levey Charitable Fund |
Barbara Lewis |
Sara Lieungh |
Theodore Linn |
Dave Litzau |
Lisa Long |
Salvatore Machi |
John Mackie |
Tammy Maddente |
Karen and Michael Maierle |
Ryan Marquette |
Holly McCloskey |
Cole McCloskey |
Katie McCloskey |
Antoine McDuffie |
Randy McLaughlin |
Ashley E. McNulty |
Colin McWey |
Patrick and Piper Mehigan |
Matthew Melendes |
Chris and Kayla Merker |
Chris Miano |
Gary Michalowski and Nancy Link |
Miletti Family Fund |
Lydia Miller |
Mark Mirsberger |
Elmer Moore |
Deann Morgan |
Caroline Morrell |
Carla Munoz |
Jerome and Lori Murphy |
Ann and Laird Myrold |
David Navarre |
Sydney Nelson |
Chris Nicolaou |
Brook Nienhaus |
Scott Nienhaus |
Chris and Pat Nienhaus |
Anthony Nitz |
Keith Noller |
Christopher and Anne Noyes Charitable Gift Fund |
Chase O’Brien |
Keegan O’Brien |
Brian O’Day |
Carisa Oppermann |
Bina Patel |
Dan Pederson |
John Pelletier |
Daniel Peterson |
James Phillips |
Michele Pierz |
Brian Pinkins |
Rhonda Plotkin |
Katie Podmokly |
David Polk |
Carol Ponciroli and Kevin Abel |
Chris Ponto |
Gregory Ponto |
Holly Potter |
Laura Poupitch |
Steve Radowski |
Eric Raether |
Reik Read |
Callie Reed |
Matt Richards |
Abigail Roadhouse |
Alexa Robertstad |
Jeffrey Rogers |
Kristen Ruhl |
Robert Saftig |
Mark Sain |
Megan Sander |
Henry Schlenker |
Garrett Schmelling |
Amy Schneider |
Sara Schnoor |
Victor and Jayna Schultz |
Sarah Schweitzer |
Gary Scott |
Noaman Sharief |
Merritt Shivitz |
Betsy Shock |
Joe Simonelli |
Alexandria Simons |
Craig Simpkins |
David Smallwood |
Gregory and Nancy Smith |
Greg and Nancy Smith Family Charitable Fund |
Jeffery Smoller |
Todd Soczka |
Peter Sommerhauser |
Maggie Starker |
Angela Stenklyft |
Don Stockhausen |
Jacob Sullivan |
Diana Susa |
Marilyn Swiontek |
Laura Symon Browne |
Michael Taibleson |
Amanda Taylor |
Aunton Terry |
Poonam D. Thakkar |
Mark Thiel |
Brian Tidmore |
Michadl Tiskus |
Tomorsky Charitable Giving Fund |
Marc Van Bell |
Yvonne Vannatta |
Maclovio Vega |
Troy Wagner |
Nicholas P. Wahl |
James Waldera |
Christine Walker |
Andrea Wanty |
Stephen Wanty |
Bret Wanty |
Jamie Ward |
Dane Warner |
Michael Waters |
Charles Wauters |
Brett Weare |
John Weasler |
James Wenzler |
Erin West |
Jacob Westphal |
Luke Whitesides |
Brian Wickert |
Michael Wieber |
Amber Willis |
Barbara Wilson |
Mark and Reilly Witt |
Edward Witte |
Isaac Woods |
Lauren and Mark Zeihen, Jr. |
Vicki and Mark Zeihen |
Herbert Zien and Elizabeth Levins |
Sara Zwiefelhofe |
Albert J. and Flora H. Ellinger Foundation, Inc. |
Anon Charitable Trust |
Bert and Patricia Steigleder Charitable Trust |
Brewers Community Foundation |
Croen Foundation, Inc. |
Donald L. & Susan J. Schwartz Foundation |
E.C. Styberg Foundation |
Four-Four Foundation Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Ralph and Eileen Cairns Fund for Literacy Purposes |
Gustav & Gladys Kindt Foundation |
Harri Hoffmann Family Foundation, Inc |
Hauske Family Foundation, Inc. |
Herb Kohl Philanthropies |
HF Foundation |
Jerome J. and Dorothy H. Holz Family Foundation |
Jim & Kristen Hamel Family Foundation Inc. |
Krause Woodhaven Foundation |
Ladish Company Foundation |
Larsen-Beadell Foundation Neal Family Fund at the Oconomowoc Foundation |
Next Gen Personal Finance |
Ralph Evinrude Foundation, Inc. |
REACH Charitable Trust |
Stella H. Jones Foundation |
The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation |
The Catholic Community Foundation |
The Gardner Foundation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation |
The Priebe Family Foundation |
The Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Foundation |
Wisconsin Retirement Plan Professionals Zilber Family Foundation |
Adient Foundation |
Alliant Energy Foundation |
American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation |
Artisan Partners |
Associated Bank |
Baird Foundation, Inc. |
Bank Five Nine |
Barings |
BMO Bank NA |
Brady Corporation Foundation, Inc. |
Byline Bank |
Clarkston Capital |
Columbia Threadneedle Investments |
Doc’s on the Fox |
Financial Literacy of Wisconsin Foundation |
Financial Planning Association of WI |
Financial Service Group |
First Business Bank |
First Citizens Bank |
First Weber Foundation |
Friends of Mark Borkowski |
Great Lakes Credit & Collection Association |
Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors Youth Foundation, Inc. |
Indeed Brewing Company |
Johnson Financial Group |
JX Gives Back Family Foundation |
Marietta Investment Partners |
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC) |
NorthRock Partners |
Northwestern Mutual Foundation |
OneAmerica |
Otto Bremer Trust |
PyraMax Bank |
RBC Foundation – USA |
Robert W. Baird Advisors |
Russell Investment Advisors |
Salesforce.com Inc. |
Spectrum Investment Advisors |
Strand Associates |
The Huntington National Bank |
TruStage |
U.S. Bank Foundation |
UMB Fund Services |
US Bank Employee Match |
WaterStone Bank Fund |
WE Energies Foundation |
Wells Fargo Foundation |
West Bend Community Foundation’s West Bend Mutual Insurance Company Charitable Fund |
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) |