2021-2022 Supporters
Champion Level ($2,500+)
Anonymous via American Endowment Foundation
Jon and Elizabeth Baranko
Gregory and Rebecca Calvin
The Carlson Family Charitable Fund
Timothy and Kathleen Carr
The Coldagelli Family Fund
Curt and Sue Culver
Lawrence and Christine Davanzo
Sandra and Thomas Dunst
Lyle and Lisa Fitterer
Gordon Family Fund
Jon & Mindy Gray Family Foundation
Mal and Jill Hepburn
Gregory and Jeanne Herrle
David Herro and Jay Franke
Michael and Kathleen Hodan
Ted and Mary Kellner
Michael Kelly
The Kempf Family Charitable Fund
Michael Keough
Adel Korkor
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Marsha Ernst Krueger Charitable Fund
Pieter Lens
The Levy/Saffro Charitable Fund
Luedke-Smith Fund
Steven Lyons
Mainman Charitable Fund
Maximilian Mann
Timothy and Catherine Mattke
Duane McAllister
Joseph Milano
Neubauer Family Fund
The Ranzetta Family Charitable Fund
Dr. Bernard and Mary Rhomberg
Nick and Judith Topitzes
Sara Walker and Pat Dhein
Advocate Level ($499 – $2,499)
Ashley Adam
Robert Allbright
William Arpe
Anthony Baish
Balchunas Donor Advised Fund
Annmarie and Eric Baumgartner
Bellman Family Charitable Fund
David and Diane Berg Family Charitable Trust
Jordan Bergmann
Brittany Blackwelder
Melvin Blann
Jonathan Bloom
Theodore Brettingen
Richard Brostowitz
Robert and Christine Bukowski
Jeremy Cain
Brenda and Todd Campbell
Andrea Cataldo
Ben Caya
Dennis and Amy Connolly
Lydia Cooley and Andy Lechtenberg
Aaron Cross
Albert & Ann Deshur Donor Advised Fund
Carrie Donovan
Ellen Drought
Renouard Family Fund
James and Judy Ford
Four-Four Foundation
Joe Frederick
David Frieder
Murray and Pat Friedman
Carol Gehl
Carol Gehl
Daniel Geigler
Jason & Diep Graham Charitable Fund
Robert Haugen
Holohan Pretzel Family Foundation
William R. Hotz and Susan L. Hotz Trust
Irwin Family Charitable Fund
Robert Jansen
Greg Janssen
The Lawrence & Jane Kean Family Charitable Fund
Kismet Fund
Lucas Kraft
The LaGrant Family Charitable Fund
Lloyd and Sheri Levin
Steve and Mary Frances Lilly
Vicki and Keith Lipinski
Susan Lubar
Anne Luber
John W. Brahm & Margaret MacLeod Brahm Charitable Fund
Terrance Maxwell
John McDonald
Patrick McDonough and Marnie Lawler
Lydia Miller
John Mroz
Will Nasgovitz
Brandon Nelson
Sydney Nelson
David Ness
James and Elizabeth Neubauer
Rebecca Neumann
James Nicholas
Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Pat and Grace O’Brien Family Fund
Joshua and Kimberly Palleon
Rachel and Scott Panasuk
David Rasmussen
Leah Richardson
Manuel Rosado
Casey Sambs
Jeanette Schlidt
The Howard & Barbara Schnoll Donor Advised Fund
Mark Schueller
Paul Schultz
Daniel Sievers
Jonathan Smucker
Christine Smyth
Sallie Squire
Nathan Stading
Mary Ellen and Scott Stanek
Michael and Elizabeth Stanley
Barbara Stein
Joan and Mike Sturm Charitable Fund
John and Megan Susko Charitable Fund
Pete and Victoria Syslack
Michael Thelen
VandenHeuvel Family Charitable Fund
Marcos Vega
Raymond Wilson
Lee and Carol Wolcott
Neil Wyatt
Joseph Zidanic
Raymond Wilson
Neil Wyatt
Supporter Level ($1 – $499)
Brent Adam
Annette Adams
Jenny Addison
Garrett Aird
Mary Allmon
Thomas Almanzo
Al and Victoria Alteri
Jeffrey Anderson
Matt Anderson
Mark and Cynthia Anderson
Steve Appel
James Arnold
Steven Artz
Kenneth Artz
Rabbi Barry Axler
Betty and Andy Azpell
Anthony Baish
Deb and Tom Bauer
Wendy Baumann
Eileen Baus
Thomas Bausch
Brianna Beck
John and Peggy Beckwith
Michael Benton
Samuel Beres
Nicole Best
Marlene & Bert Bilsky Family Donor Advised Fund
Andrew Bird
Robert Blabey
Robert H Bloch Charitable Gift Fund
Ellen Boettcher and Pat Cochran
Michael Bogard
Cindy Bohlen
Sequoya Borgman
John and Maureen Boritzke
Mike Bormett
Michael Bradburn
Jessica Braeger
Shannon Braun
Joseph Bree
Terry Brimley
Ryan Brod
Jean Brogni
Eric Bubolz
John Buckel
Bryan Buford
Dan Buss
Molly Bussie
Yeng Butler
Patrick Cahill
Christopher Cahlamer
Debbie Callif
Sharon and Richard Canter Donor Advised Fund
Richard Carballo
Jodi Carini
John and Judy Carlton
Christopher Carpenter
Carl Carstens
Megan Cheek
Stephen and Jane Chernof
Malado Cisse
Fatoumata Cisse
Aissata Cisse
Peter and Kristine Coffey
Christopher Coleman
Andrew Collyer
Jackson Comeau
Corroy Family Giving Fund
Andrew Cowan
David Croysdale and Laura Tanner Croysdale
Davidson Family Charitable Fund
Lorna Davis
Shane Delsman
Matthew Demet
Eric Demmon
Evann Derus
Derek Devereaux
Michael Dietrich
Michael Domingos
Lance Donenberg
Ted and Beth Durant
Micah Dykema
Benjamin Eastman
Linda Edmondson
Kelsey Ellsworth
Alejandro Esquivel
Charles Evans
Megan Felhofer
Noah Fenceroy
Daniel Flaherty
Amber Flanagan Kinlow
James Fleming
Bruce Fox
Jacquelyn Fredrick
Scott Freeze
Daisy Fregoso
Susan Friebert
David Friedman
George and Leonor Friedman
Michael Friedman
Michael Gandrud
Marisol Garcia
Michael Gauger
Erin Gilles
Kevin Glendinning
Colleen Glendinning
Brad Goldstein
Jonathan Good
William Goodman
Michael Levey & Linda Gorens-Levey Charitable Fund
Gillian and Michael Gosman Charitable Fund
Kathleen Gresham
Paul Griepentrog
Daniel Gronemus
Lauren and Dr. Theodore Gronski
Dr. Eve Hall
Larry Handrich
Jeff Haneline
Mary Hannes
Dr. Xiaoting Hao
Hollis Harman
John Hash
Priscilla Haslob
Leslie Hauser and Karl Wuesthoff Donor Advised Fund
Paul Hauser
Paul Heaton
Joshua Heinen
David Heiny
Matthew Helmers
Jade Hendricks
Jon Henshue
David Hermanny
Jason Herried
Peter and Hana Herzog Fund
Dianna Higgins
Deborah Hogan Ladd
Michael Hollo
Jeffery Holmes
Brenda Hutchinson
Kristen Irgens
Kristen Irgens
Mike Jacobson
Jack Jacobson
Christopher Jauch
Marie Jeruc
Nancy Johnshoy
Valerie Johnson
Nina Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Scott and Elizabeth Jonas
Alicia Jones
Ciara Jones
Richard Kahn Donor Advised Fund
Karen Kallerud
Jeff Kallio
Andrew Karode
Joseph Keller
Jennifer Kelliher
John Kennedy
Louis Kern
Henry Kerns
Graham Kessel
Melissa and Mark Kharitou
Kevin Kiefer
Brett King
John J and Julie A Kita Family Charitable Fund
Joan Klimpel
Mike Kodner
Peter Koleske
Matthew Kovacich
Jeffrey Kowalczyk
Rishi Kumar
Nick Kummer
Margaret Kurlinski
Eileen Kwei
Irina Kwiatkowska
Kathe Lake
Rachel LaMantia
Dante LaPorte
Sean Leedom
Robert Leinss
Kristi Leswing
Zachary Liermann
Alexander Lindfors
Zachary Lissauer
Patricia Lohmann
Michael Lokensgard
Rebeca Lopez
Brian and Amy Lucareli
Diana Luttmann
Salvatore Machi
John and Mary Maddente
Paula Maggio
John Major
Ivana Marich
Kenneth and Judy Mastenbrook
Ann Mastrostefano
John Maynard
Sara McCrady
Colin McWey
August Meinerz
Gary Michalowski and Nancy Link
Sahar Milani
Patricia Miller
Christopher Miller
Katie Mills Ybarra
Madusha Mirissage
Elmer Moore
Barb Mueller
Daniel Munoz
Jerry Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Ann and Laird Myrold
Mary Neumann
Nicholson-Schertz Family Giving Fund
Garth and Mary Nisbet
Anthony Nitz
Timothy Nixon
Eric Nohelty
Christopher and Anne Noyes Charitable Gift Fund
Amy Nupen
Keegan O’Brien
Robert O’Connor
Brian O’Day
Thomas Ognar
Carisa Oppermann
Jim Pape
Alquim Park
Bina Patel
Rick Pendergast
Robert and Molly Peterson
Noel Lynn Petzold
James Phillips
Emily Phillips
Lindsey Pietrowski
Heather Pinkett
Gregory Ponto
Christopher Ponto
Ric Poole
Paul Quackenboss
Donna Queisser
Kimberly Randall
Mark Rasmussen
Reik Read
Leah Reed
Matt Richards
Janet Rilling
Andrew Robbins
Olivia Robinson
Michael Rodriguez
Romoser Charitable Fund
Jack Rooney
Patrick and Lori Rorabeck
Kay Rorabeck
Louise Rosier
Nicole Rotier
Heidi Rozman
Douglas and Kathleen Rozman
Jennifer Rydwelski
Ronald and Maureen Sadoff
Mark Sain
Jennifer San Fillippo
Steve Santoro
Shannon Sarcia-Carlson
Phillip Sasser
Michael Sattell
Peter Sauer
Margaret Savage
Elizabeth Scalf
David Schroeder
Jeffrey and Lynette Schuster
Schwab Charitable Anonymous Donors
Lauren Seesel
Judith Antoine Shanley Foundation
Grace Sherer
Nolan Short
Joe Siegler
Jerry and Julie Skalak
Mallory Slauson
Jaclyn Small
Steven Smit
Greg and Nancy Smith Charitable Fund
Phil Smith
Michael Stapelkamp McQuide
Jameson Steffel
Cynthia Steffes
Angela Stenklyft
Vincent Stoll
Joyce Stoner
Rick Strait
Michael Taibleson
Tarrence Fund
Amanda Taylor
Benjamin Tennenbaum
Susan Thaney
Kimberly Thekan
Amy Theuninck
Mark Thiel
Kathy Tidmore
Charles Tompkins
Ryan Tracy
Karen Trimble
James and Diane Triumph
Derek Tyus
Charles Uihlein
Patricia and Cory Ulwelling
Marc Van Bell
Michael Vanevenhoven
Yvonne Vannatta
Maclovio Vega
Wess Vogt
Steve Vollmer
John Wakefield
James Waldera
Don and Melanie Walloch
Mike Warecki
Robert and Kathleen Warner
Ranell Washington
John and Elizabeth Watry Giving Fund
John Weasler
Elizabeth Weirick
James Wenzler
Jacob Westphal
Lindsay Whaleysmith
Steve White
Art Wigchers
Nicole Willette
Wilson Giving Account
Barbara Wilson
Tina Wisialowski
Mark and Reilly Witt
Jennifer Wolff
Isaac Woods
Jenna Woodson
Jeffrey Wozniak
Matthew Yerkes
Jeffrey Young
Timothy Zens
Herbert Zien
Suzanne Zwaska
Albert J. and Flora H. Ellinger Foundation, Inc.
Anon Charitable Trust
Anonymous Foundation
Bader Philanthropies
Bert and Patricia Steigleder Charitable Trust
Brewers Community Foundation
Cedar Street Charitable Foundation
Croen Foundation, Inc.
Donald L. & Susan J. Schwartz Foundation
Dorothy Inbusch Foundation
Evan and Marion Helfaer Foundation
Frank and Lucille Puncer Foundation
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Harri Hoffman Foundation
Herb Kohl Philanthropies
HF Foundation
Jerome J. and Dorothy H. Holz Family Foundation
Jim & Kristen Hamel Family Foundation Inc.
Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Fund
Krause Family Foundation, Inc.
Krause Woodhaven Foundation
Larsen-Beadell Foundation
Light the Hoan
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Priebe Family Foundation
RA Stevens Family Foundation
Racine Community Foundation
Ralph Evinrude Foundation, Inc.
Sixteen Inch Society
Stella H. Jones Foundation
Tate Family Foundation
The Gardner Foundation
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Weiss Family Foundation
Alliant Energy Foundation
Amazon Smile
American Family Insurance
Andis Foundation
Associated Bank
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Bank Five Nine
Bell Bank Mortgage
Brady Corporation Foundation, Inc.
Bret Goodman Companies
Byline Bank
Catholic Financial Life
Cohen & Company
CPL Industries, Inc.
CUNA Mutual
Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
Financial Literacy of Wisconsin Foundation
Financial Service Group
First Business Bank
First Federal Bank
First Midwest Bank
Front Porch Financial Management LLC
Great Lakes Credit & Collection Association
Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors Youth Foundation, Inc.
John Deere
Johnson Financial Group
JP Morgan Chase’s Good Works Employee Giving Program
JX Gives Back Family Foundation
Marietta Investment Partners
Marine Credit Union Foundation
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
MKEing Coffee
MUFG Union Bank
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Peoples State Bank
Pieper Electric, Inc.
PyraMax Bank
RBC Foundation – USA
Rotary Club of Milwaukee
Sikich Financial
Society of Financial Service Professionals
Spectrum Investment Advisors
The Boucher Group
The Huntington National Bank
U.S. Bank Foundation
WaterStone Bank
WE Energies Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wintrust Financial Corp
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions