2020 Difference Maker Organization: Heartland Advisors


Our 2020 Lloyd Levin Difference Maker Organization is Heartland Advisors. Heartland and its leadership have provided constant, multi-faceted support to SecureFutures and its work since the very beginning, and their partnership has had a deep and lasting impact.

In addition to ongoing, annual support for SecureFutures’ programs and sponsorship of the Investment Conference, Heartland has been the key sponsor of the Money Path app since its launch in 2018.

“We have been fortunate since the inception of SecureFutures that our mission of financial literacy has resonated with many of our community’s major institutions, and in some cases with significant community leaders,” said SecureFutures founder Lloyd Levin. “In the case of Heartland and Bill Nasgovitz, we have connected in a major way with both. The individual and the organization have enabled Secure Futures to reach more students and to create new programs like Money Path, for which we are most grateful.”

Bill Nasgovitz, Lloyd Levin, and Nicole Best

Bill Nasgovitz, founder and chairman of Heartland Advisors, is a longtime supporter of youth financial literacy in the region. He has served as a member of SecureFutures’ Advisory Council since the organization’s inception.

“We view our support of SecureFutures as an investment in bright young minds throughout the community,” said Bill. “The skills and concepts students develop through the program are essential building blocks that can lead to a lifetime of financial security and informed decision making.”

Nicole Best, senior VP at Heartland, is also a member of SecureFutures’ Advisory Council, as well as a former Board Director, and has held multiple leadership roles within the organization, including Board Chair and Treasurer. Both she and Nasgovitz have been active participants in championing SecureFutures’ goals since its early years.

“It is our honor and privilege to be part of the SecureFutures organization,” Nicole said. “Their mission provides our young people with the tools they need to secure financial independence. We believe these skills are vital to their success and necessary to ensure our community continues to improve and thrive.”

Congratulations to Bill and the entire Heartland team, and our profound thanks for your partnership!

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