At our Volunteer Appreciation Event, Angela Stenklyft and Michael Thelen, dedicated volunteers from Baird, were recognized with SecureFutures’ 2024 Lloyd Levin Difference Maker award for their outstanding contributions to financial education for teens. Angela and Michael have been partnering together in the classroom since 2016 to deliver all three of our programs to students. Together they have dedicated over 176 hours of volunteer time, positively impacting the lives of countless teens in our community.

Angela and Michael’s journey with SecureFutures began in 2016 when they attended a lunch-and-learn session at Baird. Michael recalls, “It was an introduction that aligned perfectly with my desire to get involved in financial literacy. The organization’s mission resonated with me deeply.” Angela shares a similar sentiment, highlighting her passion for volunteering in programs that support youth. “Teaching a classroom of high schoolers is incredibly rewarding, especially with the support of a partner like Michael. It’s a great way to connect with the community and contribute to the future of Milwaukee.”

Both Angela and Michael emphasize the critical need for financial education among teens. Reflecting on their own experiences, they acknowledge the mistakes they made due to a lack of financial awareness. “It’s important to lay a solid foundation early,” Angela notes. “Teens are at a crucial juncture where financial decisions can have long-term impacts. Providing them with the right tools and knowledge can make a significant difference.” Michael adds, “The engagement we see from students is remarkable. When presented with real-life scenarios, they quickly grasp the importance of financial decisions. It’s incredibly rewarding to witness their enthusiasm and understanding.”

One of the most gratifying aspects of their volunteer work is the feedback from students. Both Angela and Michael have received messages from students who have put the financial lessons they learned into practice. “It’s heartwarming to know that we’re making a real impact,” Angela says. “Hearing from students as they move on to new chapters in their lives reinforces the value of our efforts.”

Angela and Michael are passionate advocates for volunteering, acknowledging the initial intimidation that some might feel. “When someone is reluctant to volunteer, I tell them, SecureFutures makes it so easy for us,” Angela explains. “The materials are comprehensive, and there’s a lot of flexibility in choosing sessions that fit your schedule.” Michael agrees, highlighting the collaborative nature of the organization and the continuous improvement of the curriculum based on volunteer feedback. “We always encourage people who are interested to come to a classroom with us, sit back and watch us go through the curriculum. Sometimes that’s easier than just throwing yourself right in.”

Both volunteers hope to see SecureFutures expand its reach even further, touching more lives across Milwaukee and beyond. “It’s about casting a wider net,” Michael says. “The more students we can reach, the more significant our impact will be.”

Winning the Lloyd Levin Difference Maker award is a testament to Angela and Michael’s dedication and hard work. As Michael reflects, “Being recognized is truly an honor and reaffirms that we are making a difference.”

Angela adds, “It’s special to know that our efforts are appreciated and that we’re contributing to the community in a meaningful way. This recognition motivates us to continue our work and inspire others to join us in this important mission.”

Angela and Michael’s story is a perfect example of how passionate volunteers can make a lasting impact on their community. Through their dedication to financial education, they are helping to build a brighter future for Milwaukee’s youth, one lesson at a time. If you’re interested in volunteering and making a difference in a teen’s life you and sign up and choose your Money Coach Milwaukee site preferences here.

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